Thursday, July 5, 2007

Number Nine

Ok...been on vacation for a week in the backwoods of Virginia and West Virginia....combo of vacation and research for a topic I'm speaking on at an 1860's conference (what else?) in another away from the internet and even cellphone in most of the places...and haven't missed it a bit! (except for the 300 email messages I had to clean out!! That's what happens when you are on various listservs!)

So...back to 23 things and Merlin!

Hmm..."social networking", huh? Never been much for that, in general...I DO have a myspace page myself, but only because one Goddaughter lives in California, and the other in Arkansas, and they both urged me to get one so I could read THEIR blogs and see pictures of their activities, child, etc.

And this is getting to be SOO much that we are subscribing to, and getting feeds from...I'm going to have to keep track, so I can UNSUBSCRIBE to some as soon as we finish this exercise....Not all, as I've found some are good for keeping up with current info, but right now, it's like I'm subscribing to everything I happen upon.

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