Hmm...putting the cart before the horse here?....Considering that posts needed to be made concerning Week 1, numbers 1&2, but you don't set up the blog until this post? Oh well, it's done, it's here, and that's that!! I guess if I were REALLY concerned about being anonymous, I should set one up that has NOTHING to do with my personal interests, but where's the fun in that??? you might even get pictures of my cats here is set up (one more to keep up with!!), and several posts already made!
Somehow I think that the intent of leaving comments is to focus on technology but so what? *I* am going to comment on the great cats photo! How cute - double decker cats! It looks like they might be watching TV!
You can comment on my kitties!! I think the point is more just to DO it!
And they DO watch TV, especially Animal Planet when there are dogs or cats on!
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